11 October 2010

VID 00005.3GP

It's not very loud, but it's super sweet.
It says: because of you the sun shines and the birds sing and everything is great. when it's stormy, you always cheer me up, everyday. i'm always happy cause you are here, and when i'm sad, you make me feel better. whenever my heart is broken, you're always the one to mend it. you give the warmest hugs, everyday. i love you. ... (more info)

08 September 2010

Just a thought...

I posted this


on New Year's Eve, and re-read it tonight. It got me to thinking and I think this year has sucked...all because I didn't get kissed on NYE.

Dammit! It's IMPORTANT people!

19 July 2010

Things I learned by visiting MO...

Earlier today I was privileged to visit my good friend MO at her home. These are some thing I learned during my visit...

*A turkey sandwich with chips and a Coke tastes SO much better when shared with a friend.
*Babies are great, but I'm very happy I don't have them any more.
*Boys fight with brothers just like they do with sisters.
*Coffee is way better when it's shared with a friend.
*Chocolate-Zucchini cake is super yummy.
*I enjoy days off (this I already knew)
*I shouldn't show up at her house with a shovel. It scares her.
*How to make pickle juice ice cubes (gross)
*How to build a better mouse trap. :)
*I am not the only one who likes bags full of goodies...especially if someone brings it to me.

Thanks for the AWESOME time I had today, MO.

07 July 2010

Almost 16 years

On the 10th of July (Saturday), I will be crossing over a milestone. Not many people brag about 16 of anything, but I feel like it's worth saying something. Even if it is here. No one reads this (that I know of). No one follows, or subscribes to (or whatever) my blog. It's just my little world. No one IRL really cares about what I have to say or what kind of crap-tacular info is echoing in my brain, but maybe someday I'll be famous, and someone will care. They will read this and know that the day didn't go by unnoticed.
16 years ago (on Saturday) I got impatient behind a man driving a white Geo Tracker up a hill. He was headed to Alpine, California to go to a meeting. I was racing to Alpine from something (I can't remember what), and was running late. I am not a patient driver (I'm better now than I was then), and I just couldn't follow him for the half mile it was to the exit. So, I whipped around him and cut him off and exited the freeway. He turned on his blinker and followed me. I turned right at the stop sign blew through the green light, around the corner to the next stop sign. I had to wait for a pedestrian. I may have honked at them to hurry up. They did not. I looked in my rear-view mirror and sitting right behind me was the white Tracker I had cut off. I turned right and so did he. I turned left at the appropriate street. So did he. I was starting to worry that something bad was going to happen, or that he was going to follow me until I stopped, and then yell at me. I got to the house I was going to, thinking that I'd lost him on the curvy road. Just as I was getting out of my car, I grabbed my things, looked behind me, and there he was. White Tracker had found me. He got out, didn't say a word, and followed me into the house. I later found out his name. I remember thinking that he was funny, and charming, and WAY too old for me. I was still 18. The group was for 20-somethings. They said I was close enough. He was on the other side of that age-group...just about out of his twenties.
We met on July 10th, 1994. White Tracker became my husband eight months and eight days later.
We're still married. Sometimes we're frustrated, sometimes we're silly...but we've always been in love. We've worked very hard to stay together. We've been through enough to tear our marriage apart, at least three times, but we've stuck it out.
It has been so worth it.

So, to the cosmic void that I am writing to, YAY for me! 16 years!

06 July 2010


I don't think I believe in signs. Like when something happens and people say, "It's a sign." I believe everything is going to happen the way it should...that it all works our for the best, but I don't know if there really are signs pointing the way. Sometimes the signs can be bad. So, all this comes up because one of those "signs" presented itself Sunday night, and, although I don't believe in them, I said to myself, "I wonder if this is a sign."
Here's what happened:
Pretty simple, really. I was peeling my name tag off of my shirt (from a 4th of July party) and it ripped in half. It ripped in half horizontally. Not only was it a neat tear, it totally separated my first name from my last name.
I was probably too tired, or really over-thinking it. (I tend to do that now and then)
Just thought it was interesting.
This is the stuff that keeps me up at night.


A pic of the Mohawk when it's spiked.

04 July 2010

Before pic...

First is before the trip ever started.
Second is coming home with a mohawk.
Will post a third when all hair is gone.
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He's home! Been gone for a week and I can't believe how much I missed him.

I thought there would be a happy silence in the house. Both kids gone, parents able to do what we wanted. Truth is, this house almost echoes without our kids here. We complain that it's too small, but it was HUGE without them. Coming home to an empty house is much different than I thought it would be. I wasn't free. I still did all the things that I normally do, but now I did them all alone. No one to help. No one to teach.

The cats are not nearly as helpful as I had hoped. They're kind of useless. To tell you the truth, I think they're just using us for food and shelter.

My Little Man came home more exhausted than I've seen him in a very long time. But he looks good. And he shaved his head...mostly. He's sporting a mohawk until Monday when his Dad will shave it off. Check out the photo from tonight. I'll post another one of it spiked Sunday. I have tried to encourage self-expression. I always tell him, if he likes something, or wants to try it, it's ok with me. Hair grows out...eventually. Of course girls (most girls) have the short end of that stick, as well. We can't just shave our heads and start over.

Well, I did after 9th grade, but that wasn't self expression. That was rebellious teenage girl, hating her mother, never wanting another curl on her head kind of stuff. And it worked like a charm, btw. She hated it. I loved it. The fact she hated it made me love it more.

So, after a long day/week, I'm heading to the recliner to get some sleep before we totally stress out Sunday!

Sleep tight, my dears...whomever you may be.

(is it "whom-ever" ? I can never remember. Something about context and the subject and something...screw it! I'm gonna sleep now)
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03 July 2010


My poor daughter has been visiting her Grandparents for the past week. The trip has not gone according to plan...
She has been fed food she doesn't like. I sent $50 with specific instructions to take her to the store and let her choose some food. That has not happened.
She has been sent to the pool (which, as it turns out, was closed) and then, upon returning, left alone in their house for 2 hours while they visited a friend. They, of course, have no cell phones, so she couldn't call them. She doesn't know her way around town.
She was taken to the wrong movie. She was supposed to see Toy Story 3. She instead saw Twilight. It scared her half to death. Turns out they went to the wrong town. Yeah, I know...

I feel as though I owe her something. Something huge for the grief she has suffered this week. I think I will buy her a new hamster cage. Her beloved pet keeps escaping the current cage. The new one is pink. And it will make her smile. And, hopefully, it will keep the hamster from becoming the midnight snack of one, or both, of the cats.

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What was the worst job you've ever had?

I fear it is about to be the one I have now. My boss is about to leave. I do not like working with the person that I think is going to get the job, and I really don't want to work FOR her. I am not brave enough, or confident enough, to apply for the job myself.
Other than that, my worst job was in customer service. Taking calls for magazine publishers. I hated every day of that. The worst part was, we took all that grief, and never felt appreciated for it. The management would say they did, but they NEVER showed it anymore. Words aren't everything... They stopped doing contests, and bonuses and prizes. They stopped giving us a reason to try, aside from getting to keep a crappy job. People need to feel like they matter, and words only go part of the way.

Ask me anything

02 July 2010


We went tonight to the new Mongolian Buffet in Ames. It was good. You pick out what you want to eat, put it all in a bowl and then they cook it for you.
Kinda awesome.
After supper, we went to see Date Night. It was just as funny as people said it was. I loved it. I wanted to go to Borders after the movie, but Barry had a long day and has to work in the morning. Of course, I have all that, too...long day and work tomorrow...but he's the one who matters to me. So I dropped him off to get his car and came home.
I cried all the way home. I'm not sure why.
This picture made me smile...he buckled my popcorn into the car for the trip home. Safe and sound. It made me laugh and gives me a happy memory of the evening.
I should figure out why I cried...
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30 June 2010


I hate the word "Fine". It's the 'other' 4-letter "F" word. It's a very bad word. It's a lie. And it's an easy lie.

"How are you?"
"How's everything going?"
"How's work, the kids, your husband?"
"Fine. Thanks. How are yours?"
"Oh, they're fine. Thanks."

It's bullsh*t.

I use 'fine' because I know that the people asking me how I am doing really don't care. They are asking to be polite.

There are very few people who ask me and REALLY want to know how I'm doing. These people get an honest answer. And when I give it, I know it will be prayed about, listened to, and that they truly care.

People who get 'fine' are the people I don't trust. Too many times I've said, "not so good", and had the person say, "Oh that's good. Me too". Or they ask and before I can say something, they're onto the next person or looking over my shoulder at everyone else.

Really. If you don't care, don't ask. I can tell if you care. If you get a "fine" then you haven't come off as sincere, and I don't trust you.

Sadly, when someone tells me they're fine, I take from that that they are NOT fine, and that they don't trust me. This makes me sad. You might be surprised how ready and willing I am to listen.

That is all. For tonight.
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28 June 2010


I went on a roadtrip with my good friend MO today. She's so fun and fabulous. I hope to have some pics up soon to chronicle our journey. We went from my house in the middle of Iowa to Lincoln, Nebraska. Took about 4 hours to get there (not including a stop in Walnut, IA to look at antiques), and the same to get back.
I had so much fun, listening to music with her, talking, laughing...

I hope we can do it again very soon!

Look for the pics...

27 June 2010


I LOVE KISSING. I love to imagine kissing. I love to actually kiss. I don't think there could ever be enough kissing.
There are songs that make me melt if I just hear them. They make me want to kiss.
I'm thinking about kissing right now...and so are you ;-)

26 June 2010


I have my mother's hands. I have always thought her fingers looked like elephant legs. Now, as it turns out, so do mine. Damn.
On a side note, I hate pink. Especially pink nail polish. But it looks good on me. I hate that, too.
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If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

Mine. I've never really had one. Birthdays are a sore spot with me. My mom brought a cake to a youth group event once...the event was sometime in July. I don't really want a birthday party...but I wouldn't leave. I hate, HATE being the center of attention. I always try hard to make sure that Barry and our kids have great birthdays...

Ask me anything

What was your favorite book as a child?

Chronicles of Narnia. Specifically, The Magicians Nephew. The description of Narnia's creation in that book is beyond compare.

Ask me anything

What's the oldest piece of clothing you still own and wear?

A blue, long-sleeved, GAP shirt. My dad took me shopping for it a few days before he passed away. It has holes in it. The sleeves are tattered, and the bottom and neck are frayed, but I still wear it occasionally when I'm missing him so much! It was the end of October 1993...I will say, the shirt has stayed together pretty well..considering.

Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

I really laugh when I watch Wipeout. That show makes laugh hysterically every week. Also, The Office. Usually the subtle stuff is more my thing, and they're good at that. Some quick little phrase, or a look into the camera makes me giggle every time. Seinfeld. I love them. I wish I could be as honest as that...and I wish I had close friends like that...someone who'd drop everything to go get soup with me, or to drop me off somewhere, or to just come over and hang out. I suppose my closest friend does that...we eat a lot of lunches together. I love her-she's the only one who MAKES time.

Ask me anything

Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

I have lots of scars. Some of them for funny reasons, some for sad, some on purpose, some not, some from scary moments, some from clumsy ones.
Dog bites: hip and thigh. Falling from a swingset: lower lip. Scab-picking: all over. 2 surgeries: chest/stomache. Car accident in 1995: rolling my truck 5 1/2 times-created quite a few. Earring being yanked out of my ear: both ears-different times-both in high school.

Ask me anything

21 June 2010

How would you describe your personality?

Depends on the day. Melancholy, bleh, dark, sarcastic, funny at times, paranoid about certain things...nothing a whole lot of therapy couldn't help... I can almost always turn on/off a smile. People always think I'm happy, but they aren't paying close attention. My family brings me joy.

Ask me anything

13 June 2010

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?

There are plenty of things I'd like to be able to say...
I'd like to think I'm a good parent. I get a lot of compliments on my kids, and how polite/kind/helpful they are. My husband and I have tried so hard to give them a strong foundation. If that sticks, I will consider myself a success. Really, it just boils down to this: "Respect others and their things." and "You are known by the company you keep." If they go out into the world everyday with these two small nuggets, I think they'll do alright in the world. I wish every parent taught this.

Ask me anything

10 June 2010

Pan Fried Cajun Chickpeas | Aggie's Kitchen

These sound SUPER YUMMY!!!

Pan Fried Cajun Chickpeas | Aggie's Kitchen: "Pan Fried Cajun Chickpeas
(printable recipe)

1 can chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans)
2-3 tsp flour
2-3 tsp Cajun seasoning
2-3 TB olive oil
sea salt, to taste
Rinse and dry chickpease on paper towel. Be sure to dry completely.
Heat oil in a non stick skillet over medium high heat. Combine flour and seasoning in a small bowl or plate. Roll chickpeas in seasoned flour until lightly dusted. Carefully add chickpeas to skillet, in batches, cooking for a few minutes before gently tossing them around in pan.
Cook chickpeas until they look crisp and lightly browned. Remove from pan and serve warm."

06 June 2010

Stuff you don't need to know. I'm bored.

I am way too addicted to my laptop.
I am a KILLER at air hockey.
I am terribly competitive...sometimes to the point of anger when I don't win.
I love the rain.
I love thunderstorms.
I am crazy about Netflix! THE BEST IDEA EVER! : )
I dislike Canadians and all things Canadian. There's GOT TO BE some nice ones out there...but in the course of taking cust serv calls from them, I didn't speak to one of them.
I don't understand how a person can function without knowing their personal info-such as address. I don't send myself mail, but I know where I live!!!
I have a very good friend whom I have never met!
I spent two months in Germany and because of a combination of alcohol and a swiss cheese memory, I barely remember it.
I love knee socks! Target has cool ones-lots of different patterns and colors. They make me smile.
My favorite color is brown.
My favorite season is Fall. It only seems to last about three weeks here, but they are beautiful weeks.
I hate thin mints...YES the Girl Scout cookie.
I love being a brunette.
I am enjoying my 30's much more than I thought I would.
I don't like ice cream or cake, but I crave them sometimes. My favorite cake is chocolate with mint frosting; my favorite ice cream is Baskin & Robbins Quarterback Crunch.
I like the peanut butter M&M's but not the rest. I will eat peanut if that's all there is. I NEVER eat the red ones...no matter which kind.
I like vanilla frozen yogurt with carob chips- I'd choose that over ice cream any day.
I am a hard-core bleu cheese girl! I love everything bleu cheese! (I will say bleu cheese gum might not be good)
I still play Slug Bug...and I hit hard.
My favorite place I've ever lived was our apartment in CA. Lots of reasons...first place/lots of firsts for us and our son/best friends next door-too many good memories!
I love to sing. I sing or hum almost all the time. I will tell you I can't sing, when there's a possibility that I can...
I have never had a birthday party-like a surprise party-which works out because I don't like people making a fuss over me. But I love to go all out for hubs and the kids!!!
I dated my husband for only about five months, on the weekends (he was out on the ship during the weeks), and then we broke up. Two months later we eloped! It's been almost 15 years! He feels like home to me.
We raised chickens when I was a child. The incubator was in my room!
I went to school with a NASCAR driver-a very famous one! He was in my English class.
I was a certified scuba diver by the time I entered the eleventh grade. I never felt so free as I did when I was diving. Someday I'd love to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef...sharks or no sharks!
I make my kids read every day, but I hate to read. The last novel I read took me over six months. I get fidgety while I am reading and I can't concentrate. I will just stare into the page to make it look like I'm reading with them. I just have to remember to turn the page occasionally.
I would wear pajamas and slippers every day if it were socially acceptable.
I don't like to be touched...my daughter is insane about asking for back scratches. How's that for irony? It figures...
I am afraid of birds and butterflies. (but not sharks)
I pick at scabs-compulsively. It's bad; I have to scratch it off. I was once in line at the store and this guy had one on his shoulder. I scratched it off before I knew what I was doing. Random embarrassment!
I really really detest dogs. I know a lot of people love them, and that's fine, but I will never own one. Not only have I suffered through three seperate attacks, the last dog we had was a nightmare! I will pet other people's dogs, and even take care of one if asked, but I will not own one.
We have two cats-and I'm allergic to them.
I can grow my nails, but for some reason I chew or tear them off. The only way for me to grow them, is to paint them.
I am sarcastic.
I am not comfortable in my own skin.
I only have three or four items in my closet that I really feel comfortable in...other than hooded sweatshirts!
I don't think I have enough life insurance for myself or hubs; or the kids for that matter. If something were to happen to my hubs, I'd want to quit working and finish school. It would be crucial to me to stay home and be available to our kids. I'm not sure I could do that.
I would like to re-paint my kitchen floor, but I secretly worry that, even though I know better, I would paint myself into a corner and then have to stand by the microwave for three hours...while the food all resides just outside my reach. (The fridge is 3 feet away)
When I do something I shouldn't, I usually end up hating the consequences...and it's almost always not worth it.
I hate that my cat will hack something up and NOT come tell me so I can wipe it up before it stains the carpet.
I'd like to be one of the Oceanic 6.
I used to break thermometers just to play with the mercury inside. I may have single-handedly ruined it for every other child who did the same...or maybe they ruined it for me...either way, they only seem to make digital now.
I think it would be very handy (and less germy) to be able to stand and pee...however there is not enough money in all the world to make me want to be a guy-for more than about one day!
I almost never wear pink...but I own a pair of pink shoes-which I never wear! I bought them in San Diego the last time I was there. I saw a sweatshirt I loved in the airport, that only came in pink, so I bought the shoes went back to the shop on my way home, saw the same shirt in yellow, bought that one and then came home and bought yellow shoes to match the sweatshirt. Now I'm stuck with new pink shoes I never wear.
I can't ever seem to go to bed when I want to, or hope to.
I yell at the 10 O'clock news... A lot!
I hate double standards-what's fair for one, should be fair for all-without one of them being the devil, and the other the victim.
I am very opinionated...apparently.
I always have to go to the bathroom right before bed and as soon as I get up in the morning. Usually that's what gets me up-just so I don't wet the bed.
I grew up in a house with bugs and I still (after 20 years) shake out my towel every day...just in case.
I cannot sleep without my husband snoring. When it's quiet, I toss and turn all night. Not even the radio helps anymore.
I hate to share toothpaste, but don't mind sharing gum...I know, gross.
I hate having to use public restrooms...having my gall bladder removed when I was 23 seems to have 'cured' me of that. When I have to go...I HAVE TO GO!!!
I am totally hooked on Twitter, and I tweet like you wouldn't believe! I've even been Re-tweeted...which was a rush you cannot imagine. :)
I'm going to tweet that I'm making this list.
When I was a kid I was super tan! Now all I can do is burn. Is this a climate thing?
I wish I could blog...and secretly that I'd become famous for my blog. It'd be anonymous and I'd be rich!
I would love to be a professional student.
I'm addicted to purses and bags. If I could, I'd buy one everytime I went to a store that sold them. I saw one today, and can't stop thinking about it.
I haven't blogged in ages. This one is too long. Sorry on both counts.

31 March 2010

It's been a while...

Apparently I'm a huge fan of the ... . I do it a lot!
Anyways...this might be more random stuff than anything. Or not.
My shoulder is killing me. Now I'm in physical therapy and he's killing me. Says there's something wrong with the way I walk...that might be what's wrong with it. Says that I'm protecting it...I walk "guarded". Like I'm afraid to use it. All I can think of is that the crap from my life (my mom) is manifesting itself in my shoulder. Maybe it's the stress of thinking she might actually move here.
He also said it could be something wrong with my hip and I'm over-compensating for it. Who knows???

Everything else seems to be going well. Loving my job! Still.

Have a happy April!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

21 February 2010

Snow and why I HATE Winter

I grew up in the desert. After ninth grade we (my parents and I) moved to San Diego. In 1997 we (my husband, son, and I) moved to Iowa. I always pictured Winters with snow...imagining how it would be so beautiful, falling softly outside my window on Christmas Eve, and then on Christmas morning as we gathered around the Christmas tree. I pictured my family and I building a snowman in our front yard, and my kids with a snow fort in our backyard. Snowball fights. Pranks with Mountain Dew in the yards of our friends.
Never did I picture my kids missing so much school that they may have Saturday school just to make it up, and how hard it is to drive in the snow. I never once saw white-out conditions and blizzards, or feared of flooding if it all melted too quickly. I didn't see the depression that has been looming over me as I hear of yet another snow storm, or scrape off my car AGAIN, or look out the window and see snow falling again.
I'm just so sick of it...I have never wanted Spring to come so badly. I don't even like Spring (allergies), but I really hate Winter.
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28 January 2010

ABC's of me...

A little bit about me...

A - Age: 33
B - Bed size: king
C - Chore you hate: all of them-esp cooking, laundry and dishes
D - Dogs' names: don't have a dog
E - Essential start your day item: prayer and cell phone
F - Favorite color: brown
G - Gold or Silver: silver
H - Height: 5'8"
I - Instruments you play(ed): none
J - Job title: Cashier/Associate
K - Kids: Nick (20), Amber (18), Jessup (14), Ainsley (11)
L - Living arrangements: SFH w/ Hubby and 2 youngest kids
N - Nicknames: punkin, kiddo, vik, a couple more that I won't mention ;-)
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth of a child: May 1993-surgery, January 1999-another surgery.
P - Pet Peeve: waaaaaaay too much gets to me :( that will be another blog sometime!
Q - Quote from a movie: "It's not brave if you're not scared". (Bounce)
R - Right or left handed: right
S - Siblings: none
T - Time you wake up: between 2:45 and 6:30am...depending on when I start work
U- Underwear: everyone should wear it.
V - Vegetable you dislike: lima beans
W - Ways you run late: usually I get sucked in by Facebook!
X - X-rays you've had: jaw, left shoulder (3x), both feet/ankles, CT scan, dental, several full body, a few more...
Y - Yummy food you make: lasagna, cheesy ham and potatoes, meatloaf
Z - Zoo favorite: giraffe
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03 January 2010

Things I'd like to do in 2010

Travel-it would be amazing to go somewhere. Last year we went to Chicago in June, and we had so much fun! It was only 4 days, but it was so great to spend time together and not worry about anything. I want to go somewhere again this year, but we've talked about it and unless things really turn around for my husband, we don't see it happening. We don't leave the state very often...maybe once a year, and it would be nice to do it more. We'd really like to go to Wisconsin Dells again! Had so much fun the last time we went. 15 inches of snow and we were running around in our bathing suits!

Finish school-I need to finish school. I start in a couple of days, and the first part will be over in March. The next part may take longer, but if I'm able, I'd like to finish (or be close to finished) by the end of this year. It is way passed time.

Save money-we have come very close to draining our savings while I've been out of work, and it would be nice to save money again. I hate living like this, waiting for each paycheck.

Spend time with family. I want to spend as much time as possible with family this year. Except my mom...don't care so much there, but I am so crazy about my hubs' family and want to spend all the time we can with them.

So that's it. A list of things to do this year.

What's yours?

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01 January 2010


Sometimes it's nice to not be busy. To just sit back and let the world twirl around all by itself. To not feel like you have to help it, or fix everything that's wrong right now...

I enjoy sitting back and relaxing. I enjoy not being busy. I am willing to do the work when the work needs to be done, but I don't feel like every waking hours must be spent doing something.

It's ok to just do nothing. I wish I were doing nothing right now...

I think I'm going to go lie on my bed and do nothing. Think about nothing. Let my mind wander and see where it goes. Maybe where it goes will be my next blog ;-)

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